Saturday, November 27, 2010

'Pancakes & Prayers' Interfaith Gathering at the Rigden Senior Center

Sunday, November 28th

 Join us in celebrating all Faiths and building community through strengthening friendships within our neighborhood. The theme will be 'Thanksgiving' and quotes from God's Glorious Faiths will be shared along with some singing and music. 'Pancakes & Prayers' Interfaith Devotions will be in the Timberline room at the Rigden Senior Living Center. Children, Jr Youth, Youth and Adults are welcome!

"Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever..."      

The New Testament: Revelation 7:12

Contact Emma Lue (970)224-5353 or Jessica (970)581-5583

Rigden Living Senior Center
2350 Limon Drive

Study on the Creative Word: Reflecting on the Life of the Spirit, weekly study circles

 Study on the Creative Word: 
Reflections on the Life of the Spirit

Neighbors and friends gather weekly to participate in small circles of learning where each person is their own active agent of learning. Participants from all backgrounds of Faith and experiences come together, strengthen friendships and build skills for service. Currently there are several study circles meeting during the week. Please contact the community building team at to explore what community building means to you. All are welcome to share in the learning and share in the process of building a caring community.

"The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct."

What does the betterment of our neighborhood look like?What are pure and goodly? Let's share in conversation and find out!

Ongoing circles of learning in the Rigden Neighborhood:
12:30pm Genoa Coffee House and a 'new' circle starting up 7:30pm at Genoa, these circles of learning are exploring the first course, Reflections on the Life of the Spirit.
7pm Releasing the Powers of Junior Youth. This course is among a series of studies. This one builds capacity for individuals who want to serve as an animator for Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Groups and/or assist others to build capacity by tutoring this course.
5:30pm ~ 6:30pm Reflections on the Life of the Spirit at the Rigden Senior Center, 2350 Limon Drive
5:30-7pm Reflections on the Life of the Spirit

For more directions and/or information on courses that build skills for service, please contact Jessica at

Friday, September 10, 2010

Neighborhood Dessert Social

Join us and meet your neighbors, play games
and talk about 'What is Community Building?'

Saturday, Sept. 11
Open House
~ Drop in anytime between 6 and 9 pm ~
Kerr home
2815 Des Moines Drive

Children are welcome!
We'll have a movie night for the kids.
Popcorn and drinks!

Let's explore what community building looks like!

Contact your Community Building Team
with any questions at

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rigden Neighborhood Community Devotions: Sunday August 29th Rigden Senior Living Center

Please join us for neighborhood prayers and fellowship at the Rigden Senior Center, Sunday May 30th at 10am. We will share prayers and quotes from God's Religions. This is a beautiful opportunity to visit with our seniors and meet new friends.

Directly following our morning program, there will be children's class and refreshments. All are welcome!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Neighborhood Dessert Social: Saturday August 28th 6-9

Neighborhood Dessert Social
'What is Community Building?'

Saturday, August 28th 
open house drop in
 Kerr home
2815 Des Moines Drive

Let's explore what community building 
looks like in our neighborhood or yours! 

Children Welcome!
We'll have a movie night for the kids. 
Popcorn and drinks!

please contact your Community Building Team with any questions

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Terrific Thursday! Today at the Kerr's

Happy Terrific Thursday!
Community Building Activities in Rigden!

Children's class 4pm
 Spaghetti Dinner 5pm

Jr Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group 6:30pm

Hosted by the Kerrs, call for directions Jessica (970)581-5583 or email

Cluster Reflection Meeting....This SATURDAY!!!!

Dear Friends!!!!
Join us in sharing the learning, experiences and joy of community building this Saturday!
We'll be opening with joyous drum devotions and enjoy 
enthusiastic game about building community!
All are welcome to learn and share their thoughts and experiences of community building!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rigden Neighborhood Community Building Activities July 22

Happy Terrific Thursday!
Community building activities

4pm Children's Class
Faith friendly spiritual education class celebrating the beauty of God 
and developing virtuous character.

5pm Spaghetti Social
Family friendly dinner for neighbors and friends.

5:30 Drum Circle 
Come learn to drum! Experience the unity!

6:30 Jr Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group
Cultivating 'spiritual and intellectual' excellence through service to the community.

All are welcome to join and learn how to build community together. 
Please call Jessica for more information, (970)581-5583

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rigden Community Building Activities week July 12-16th

Hello Neighbors and Friends!
We have an exciting week in Rigden. 

Monday, July 12
Monday's children's class will be cancelled this week and moved to Tuesdays starting next week.
9:30am Kerr home
call for directions (970)581-5583

Thursday, July 15th
We will be having our neighborhood 'Terrific Thursday' 
community activities at the Barn on July 15th.
Flowers of One Garden children's class
We are so blessed to have several youth who are focused on service joining us on Thursday. 
If anyone in the neighborhood would like assistance please contact me. 
They would be happy to serve.

Neighborhood Spaghetti Social
starts at 5pm
Join us for a wonderful evening of great company and good food.

Community Building Activity 
Recreation and games for all ages

Friday, July 16th
Neighborhood clean up
All ages are welcome to join us in taking care of our neighborhood. 
We will be meeting at 2:00pm at the barn.
Bags will be supplied by the HOA

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy 'Terrific Thursday!'
Please join us for an afternoon of community building
activities at the Barn in Rigden Farm residential community.
Building social and spiritual vitality within our community!

Children's Class at 4pm
Classes for all ages!
Assistance with children welcome!

Community Spaghetti Dinner Social
starting at 5pm
A wonderful opportunity to meet new friends!
Assistance with dinner prep welcome!

Jr Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group
6:30 - 8:30pm
New night and place! We'll be meeting at the barn tonight.
This group is for youth, 11-14 years to develop and cultivate
their spiritual and intellectual excellence through service.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Rigden Neighborhood Community Building Activities June 21-June 27th

Monday, June 21
Children's Class 9:30
 Celebrating the beautiful of God's Religions through prayer, memorization, music and art. 
All are welcome! Hosted by Rigden Resident Jessica (970)581-5583
Call for directions.

"Ruhi Brew" 
Genoa Coffe, Kingsoopers Shopping Mall
Introduction to Community Building Activities
Enjoy delicious lunch at Genoa and for further sharing of community building activities. 
Capacity building course material will be on hand for investigation.
This is an informal opportunity to consult on ways to improve 
our community and how we can best be of service.
Tuesday, June 22
Capacity Building Study Circles 7pm
"Releasing the Powers of the Youth", book 5
This course assists individuals in the development of arrising to service jr. youth,
11-14 years in enhancing their intellectual and spiritual capacity.
Hosted by Rigden Resident Jessica (970)581-5583

Terrific Thursday! June 24
Rigden Neighborhood Barn
Children's Classes for all ages
Neighborhood Spaghetti Dinner Social

Friday, June 25
Jr Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group
6:30 - 8:30pm
Rigden Senior Center, Timberline Room
(Big yellow building in Rigden Neighborhood)
This dynamic group of 11-14 year olds are cultivating their 
spiritual and intellectual excellence through service to the community. 
Jr Youth, 11-14, are welcome to join us and transform our community for the better. 
Rigden Animator/mentor Jessica (970)581-5583

Sunday, June 27
Neighborhood Interfaith Devotions & Children's Class
Rigden Senior Center

Friday, June 18, 2010

Terrific Thursday! Neighborhood Social at the Barn

What a wonderful afternoon and evening. The children's class started with song and prayers which everyone loved. The children love singing 'Blessed is the spot...' and adding hand signs that go along with the words.

They memorized the quote, 

'Blessed is he who preffereth his brother before himself.' 

We then played a game called, 
'Children of the World'...everyone ran after a the giant world ball with the purpose of having to stay together and not lose anyone. It think it also tired everyone out with all the running. Afterward, we came back to the blanket and colored our art page. So much fun!

 The friends spend the afternoon playing and chasing kites... and of course the giant world ball. All enjoyed a wonderful dinner of spaghetti, bread and salad. We met some new neighbors and had a great time. All are looking forward the next Terrific Thursday!!!

Our special guest for the evening was Juli Redson-Smith who shared wonderful news of other communities who are building spiritual neighborhoods. Thanks to all for making the night so enjoyable and an open invitation to all the new friends and neighbors...see you next Thursday at 4pm for children's classes 5pm for dinner!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rigden Community Building Activities for the week of June 10th ~ June 17th

Greeting Neighbors! The following schedule is for community building activities for our incredible Rigden neighborhood. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or share ideas to assist in building unity within our neighborhood.

Thursday, June 10th
Activities are cancelled due to conflict of schedule for host family. Children's class and spaghetti dinner will continue next Thursday, June 17th. ( Please see June 17th at end of post)

Friday, June 11th 
Friday morning is open for visiting, saying prayers and/or study in capacity and
skill building study circles. Time and location can be flexible. Please contact Jessica at (970)581-5583

Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group
6:30 - 8:30pm Rigden Senior Center
Service group for 11-14 years that enhance spiritual and intellectual excellence.

Saturday, June 12th
Neighborhood Garage Sale

Sunday, June 13th
Introduction to Study of the Reflections of the Life of the Spirit
Genoa Coffee Shop Time to be determined
contact Jessica (970)581-5583

Monday, June 14th 
Capacity Building Study Circle, Reflections of the Life of the Spirit & 
Children's Spiritual Education Classes for all ages
Kerr Home call Jessica for directions (970)581-5583

Tuesday, June 15th 7:00pm
Capacity Building Study Circles, Reflections of the Life of the Spirit &
Releasing the Powers of Junior Youth
A course on assisting 11-14 years to cultivate their spiritual and intellectual 
excellence through service to the community at large. 
Kerr home

Thursday, June 17th
At neighborhood Barn
4pm Children's Class 
5pm Spaghetti Social

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group at Rigden

The Jr. Youth group will be meeting Friday, June 4th at the Rigden Senior Center in Rigden Farm. We'll meet in the Timberline room from 6:30 to 8:30pm. All 11-14 years olds are welcome! Hope to see you there! Anyone interested in assisting with this group is welcome! Contact Jessica for more information, (970)581-5583

Flowers of One Garden children's class

What a wonderful afternoon! The children met at the Kerr home, shared a couple of prayers and talked about how the love of God shines upon humanity like the rays of the sun. And how our love should also be like the rays of the sun. We should love everyone. The children played a game called quote charades and memorized, 'O Friend! In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love...', which is also on the sign for the garden. Everyone then headed off to the neighborhood garden to put up the sign and color an art page.

 Children on their way to the garden and  class photo at the neighborhood garden. Jadan giving a gift to Bushra, his coloring page. What a wonderful afternoon!!! Our hope is that the neighborhood will enjoy the beautiful garden.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rigden Farm Neighborhood Inter-Faith Devotions: Sunday May 30th 10am

Please join us for neighborhood prayers and
fellowship at the Rigden Senior Center.
Sunday, May 30th at 10am
We will share prayers and quotes from God's Religions. 
Directly following our morning program,
we will have children's class and refreshments. 
All are welcome!See you there!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Farewell to "Jamie and Josh" Friday May 23, 5:30pm

Join us for an evening of fun, great food and wonderful company! Jamie and Josh are off to California, but first want to celebrate their new future adventures with friends and family! This will be a great opportunity for Jr. Youth, neighbors and community members to come together and get to know each other. Bring a favorite quote or prayer to share, we'll be putting together a scrapbook for Jamie and Josh to remember us by!

See you Friday!
Contact Jessica (970) for directions!

The Blessed Youth: Life in Iran, past and present

Sunday May 23rd, 3pm Timberline Room
The Blessed Youth
Life in Iran, past and present

Please join us for a presentation on the Life of the Blessed Youth, Siyyid `Alí-Muhammad, entitled The Báb, who announced on May 22, 1844, that He was the bearer of a Divine Revelation which would prepare humanity for the advent of the Promised One of all religions.

Presentation of the Báb & 
Photo-documentary of Life in Iran
 3:00pm  Timberline Room
Rigden Senior Center
2350 Limon Drive, Fort Collins
Refreshments served

Hosted by the participants of a capacity building course called, The Twin Manifestations, sponsored by the Dawn-Breakers Training Institute.  The members of the local  Bahá'í community are working toward cultivating our spiritual neighborhood through community building activities, such as spiritual education classes for all ages, Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Groups for youth and neighborhood devotions. The last Sunday of every month, the local Bahá'ís host an Inter-Faith Devotional program at 10am in the Timberline Room. All are welcome.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"In the garden of thy heart, plant naught but the rose of love...."

On Sunday May 9th, the Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group and the children from the Flower's of One Garden Children's Class did exactly that! They worked in the neighborhood garden, planting beautiful flowers in the shape of a heart with a rose bush in the center. The youth also planted vegetables and looking forward to the harvest later on in the summer.

Children and Youth of all ages were invited to plant in the garden. They are so excited for the plants and vegetable to grow and are looking forward to tending the garden. One of the children shared, "I love being a gardener because I love flowers."

Our dear neighbor youth, Ryann was presented with the funds raised on behalf of the Jr. Youth's first service project. The Jr. Youth are looking forward to assisting Ryann again with another Parent's Night Out! babysitting fundraiser in the works, coming soon!

The day was beautiful, warm and sunny, just perfect for playing volleyball, ladder toss and enjoying great company. We met several new neighbors and look forward to cultivating these new friendships. All in all, it was a wonderful gathering. One of our Jr. youth put it best, 'When can we do this again?' I second that. We will for sure be planning another opportunity for neighbors to unite and get to know each other. Thanks to all who made it a wonderful day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Neighborhood Community Building Activities May 6-May 9th

Flower's of One Garden Children's Classes 
Faith friendly spiritual education classes are held weekly in the
Kerr home. The children share their favorite prayer,
make a 'joyful noise' with wonderful music
and celebrate the beauty of God through art.
All are welcome!

Spaghetti Spiritual Neighborhood Dinner
Thursday evenings the Kerr's host a spaghetti dinner for all to enjoy. 
Casual evening of fun, good company and great food!
for more information contact 

Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group
Where 11-14 year olds are cultivating the 
'spiritual and intellectual excellence' through acts of service.
Friday 6:30 - 8:30
Rigden Farm Senior Center
Timberline Room
Sunday 2-4pm The Barn, Rigden Farm
Rigden Neighborhood Garden BBQ
Sunday May 9th
Please join us for an afternoon of good food, new friends and great fun!!!
We'll be planting a neighborhood garden, playing games
and celebrating the special women in our lives.
"In the garden of thy heart, 
plant naught but the rose of love..." 
Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Neighborhood Garden BBQ! Sunday, May 9th 4-6pm Barn, Rigden Farm

Dear Neighbors and Friends!
Please join us for an afternoon of great food, new friends and wonderful fun! We'll provide burgers, hot dogs and soda. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your favorite women in your life. There will be games, art projects for the children and an opportunity to plant and work in the neighborhood garden. All are invited! Friends, family and neighbors!

Hosted your neighborhood Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group and the Flower's of One Garden children's class.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group at Rigden host service Project! What an amazing evening!!!

The Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group at Rigden Farm is all about developing 'spiritual and intellectual excellence' through service to the community. These dynamic jr youth ages from 11-14 are meeting weekly, at the Rigden Senior Center, studying the 'art of service' and creating relationships with each other through study and recreation. This was their first service project. The Jr. Youth came up the the idea of hosting an evening of babysitting in hope of raising funds for a neighborhood youth, Ryann, who is facing challenges with cancer. Words cannot adequately describe how incredible this event was. The Jr. Youth raised over $130 and are looking forward to hosting another evening. There have already been residents within the neighborhood asking when the next Parent's Night Out will be scheduled. 

 Ryann is a beautiful, dynamic, and courageous Youth who has so lovingly given our Jr. Youth an incredible opportunity to learn from example the beautiful attributes of God. We whole heartedly thank Ryann and her family for allowing us to give her this gift.What a joy to be a part of this group. The Jr. Youth are looking forward to providing more service and will no doubt be exemplifying 'excellence' as they do it. 

Jr. Youth and the children played games, colored pages with virtues of 'service' and 'love', ate pizza, graham crackers and milk, watched a movie while some danced, did the hokey pokey and the limbo. What a great evening!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group at Rigden

What a gift to have an empowered group of Junior Youth serving in the Rigden Farm Neighborhood. Currently there are several Junior Youth who are currently working toward the betterment of this community through service. The following is a little more information on the goals and focus of this dynamic group of young people.

The period between the ages of 11 to 14 represents a special time in the life of an individual, for it is during these years that he or she leaves childhood behind and undergoes profound change. Engaging junior youth in programs that seek to enhance their spiritual and intellectual capacities will prepare them to participate effectively in the affairs of their communities.

Groups of 10 to 15 junior youth are formed and facilitated by trained animators, who serve as mentors and role models. The themes the participants will be studying are cooperation, unity, service to humanity, truthfulness, striving for excellence in their lives and for the community, and justice.

Spiritual Empowerment is achieved in Junior Youth by:
       • developing their spiritual perception
       • enhancing their power of expression

The Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program aims to:
       • assist them to recognize the moral issues underlying everyday decisions and identify the
       moral  implications of speech and action
       • empower them to channel their energies towards both strengthening their own character and to
       serving their community
      • building a sound moral structure

The Junior Youth group at Rigden meet weekly on Friday evenings. As summer approaches we will be getting together 2 times a week for service projects, study and recreation. 

All Junior Youth ages from 11- 14 are welcome. Please contact Jessica with any questions, (970)581-5583 or

In addition, community members are welcome and invited to assist with the Jr. Youth. There is a need for new animators and assistants.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Celebration of the 9th Day of Ridvan

Please join us for a very special children's class. We will be celebrating the 9th Day of Ridvan on April 29th at 4pm. From April 21st to May 2, The Festival of Ridvan is celebrated as the most holiest days. It commemorates the anniversary of Baha'u'llah's declaration in 1863 that He was the Promised One of all earlier religions, thus establishing the Baha'i Faith.

Baha'is suspend work on the holiest days of Ridvan - the first (April 21), ninth (April 29) and twelfth (May 2). These mark the day of Baha'u'llah's arrival in the garden, the arrival of His family and the group's departure for Constantinople.

Our class will be studying qualities of love, unity and joy as we celebrate through music and art this special day.

Flowers of One Garden Children's Class
9th Day of Ridvan Holy Day
Kerr home
contact Jessica (970)581-5583

Neighborhood Feast of Jamal ( Beauty)

We will be celebrating the Feast of Jamal on Wednesday April 28th at 10am. Devotions, singing, consultation and fellowship centered around unity of the community.

Rigden Neighborhood Feast of Jamal
 Wednesday April 28th
10am - 11am
Kerr home

Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence, 
I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, 
have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to thee My beauty. 

Circle of Study on "The Reflections of the Life of the Spirit'

What a wonderful morning! We've started studying the second unit of 'The Reflections of the Life of the Spirit'. This unit is on 'Prayer'. What a joy! We consulted on how 'prayer' is a 'conversation with God' and how it brings us nearer to God. We also studied how Muhammad said that prayer is like a ladder between 'heaven' and 'earth'. We ascend to God as we pray. The following prayer is one we are currently memorizing. We will continue on study on prayer next week.

O God!  Refresh and gladden my spirit.  
Purify my heart.  Illumine my powers. 
I lay all my affairs in Thy hand.  Thou art my Guide and my Refuge.  
I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved; 
I will be a happy and joyful being.  
O God!  I will no longer be full of anxiety, 
nor will I let trouble harass me.  
I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life.
O God!  Thou art more friend to me than I am to myself.  
I dedicate myself to Thee, O Lord. 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Break in the Weather Offers A Great Opportunity for a Prayer Walk

With sunshine finally making a brief comeback, we were thrilled to be able to get outside and see what spring had to offer as we talked to God.

Five adults and eight children set out this morning on a prayer walk beginning at the Environmental Learning Center in Fort Collins. After a few prayers the children were given the assignment of finding items that were in the various Kingdoms of God. With each noted leaf, rock, bird or human, the children added a sticker to their sheet under Mineral, Plant, Animal or Human Kingdom.

We caught sight of buds in a variety of stages, trees beginning to turn green, the Poudre River, and lots of birds over head. After one particular turn in the trail, the sounds of frogs in the marshy area on either side was quite loud. It was wonderful to not only see signs of springs, but to hear them too!

There are so many great natural areas in our area, we can hardly wait to do it again!

Blessed is the spot, and the house, and the place, and the city, and the heart, and the mountain, and the refuge, and the cave, and the valley, and the land, and the sea, and the island, and the meadow where mention of God hath been made, and His praise glorified. ~ Baha'u'llah

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Flowers of One Garden Children's Class

"O God! Educate these children. 
These children are the plants of Thine orchard,
the flowers of Thy meadow, the roses of Thy garden."

We will be celebrating our glorious earth today. 
All are welcome!

Neighborhood dinner

Kerr residence, Rigden Farm
please call for directions

Monday, April 12, 2010

Community Building Activities April 12-18th

Thursday, April 15th
Flowers of One Garden Children's Class

Neighborhood Community Spaghetti Spiritual
Musicians welcome! Jam night
Contact Jessica for more information

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Making prayer sandwiches in today's children's class.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Community Building Activities: Rigden Farm March 29-April 4th

Thursday, April 1st

Spiritual Education Classes for children, all ages 4pm
Neighborhood Community dinner 5pm
contact Jessica for directions

Friday, April 2
Jr Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group
"Cultivation spiritual and intellectual excellence through service to the community."
6pm Rigden Senior Living Center, Timberline Room 

Contact Jessica with any questions!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Reflections on the Life of the Spirit- Monday morning study cirlce

What a fun morning! Several friends participating in the capacity building study circle, Reflections on the Life of Spirit spent an hour this morning memorizing 5 quotations by playing, 'quotation charades'. Each participant creates a hand sign that goes with a portion of the quote. It was so much fun!!!! One of our participants knew several hand gestures that was authentic sign language. Brilliant! Two of the participants have young children which is a great way to integrate practice and learning by sharing with the children. I am looking forward to next Monday to learn more.

Celebrating God's Love - Neighborhood Devotions

What a beautiful gathering of friends! Sunday mornings devotions at the Rigden Senior Living Center was inspiring and joyous. Writings from the Sacred Faiths of God, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity,  Islam and the Baha'i Faith. The theme, 'Behold, All Things Become New", was perfect for the second Sunday of Spring. The following is one of my favorite quotes from the mornings program,

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kyler and Emmy sharing a prayer and a hug during children's class.

'Unite the hearts of Thy servants..' Baha'u'llah

The purpose of this blog is to share capacity and community building activities that lay the foundation for a spiritual neighborhood. In addition, share current learning and reflect on the experiences that we have in cultivating our community. For almost two years activities such as spiritual education classes for children and study circles for youth and adults have been established in hope of uniting 'the hearts of Thy servants'.(Baha'u'llah)

The Baha'is, along with friends of the Faith from around the world are working within neighborhoods on a grassroots level to incorporate the spiritual truths of all Faiths within our daily lives. As the prophet founder of the Baha'i Faith, Baha'u'llah, wrote, "let deeds, not words, be your adorning." It is through the action of service to humanity complimented by prayer, that is cultivating our spiritual neighborhoods worldwide.

Within our neighborhood, souls have been coming together from all back grounds of Faiths and cultures to truly exemplify the oneness of God. One of my favorite quotes from 'Abdu'l-Baha says it beautifully, "Let all associate , therefore, in this great human garden even as flowers grow and blend together side by side without discord or disagreement between them." What is absolutely profound is that the spiritual teachings of God are not specific to a particular person, but rather are a gift to all of humanity and have always been. In a talk on the causes of religion, 'Abdu'l-Baha says, "Religion should unite all hearts and cause wars and disputes to vanish from the face of the earth, give birth to spirituality, and bring life and light to each heart."

Cultivation of our spiritual neighborhood is a direct result from the development of skills and the building of capacity through acquiring spiritual virtues and knowledge. Of course, this is vital for every individual, child, youth and adult. Please join us on our journey on the path toward unity and cultivation of a spiritual community. All are invited and welcome!