Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rigden Farm Neighborhood Inter-Faith Devotions: Sunday May 30th 10am

Please join us for neighborhood prayers and
fellowship at the Rigden Senior Center.
Sunday, May 30th at 10am
We will share prayers and quotes from God's Religions. 
Directly following our morning program,
we will have children's class and refreshments. 
All are welcome!See you there!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Farewell to "Jamie and Josh" Friday May 23, 5:30pm

Join us for an evening of fun, great food and wonderful company! Jamie and Josh are off to California, but first want to celebrate their new future adventures with friends and family! This will be a great opportunity for Jr. Youth, neighbors and community members to come together and get to know each other. Bring a favorite quote or prayer to share, we'll be putting together a scrapbook for Jamie and Josh to remember us by!

See you Friday!
Contact Jessica (970) for directions!

The Blessed Youth: Life in Iran, past and present

Sunday May 23rd, 3pm Timberline Room
The Blessed Youth
Life in Iran, past and present

Please join us for a presentation on the Life of the Blessed Youth, Siyyid `Alí-Muhammad, entitled The Báb, who announced on May 22, 1844, that He was the bearer of a Divine Revelation which would prepare humanity for the advent of the Promised One of all religions.

Presentation of the Báb & 
Photo-documentary of Life in Iran
 3:00pm  Timberline Room
Rigden Senior Center
2350 Limon Drive, Fort Collins
Refreshments served

Hosted by the participants of a capacity building course called, The Twin Manifestations, sponsored by the Dawn-Breakers Training Institute.  The members of the local  Bahá'í community are working toward cultivating our spiritual neighborhood through community building activities, such as spiritual education classes for all ages, Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Groups for youth and neighborhood devotions. The last Sunday of every month, the local Bahá'ís host an Inter-Faith Devotional program at 10am in the Timberline Room. All are welcome.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"In the garden of thy heart, plant naught but the rose of love...."

On Sunday May 9th, the Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group and the children from the Flower's of One Garden Children's Class did exactly that! They worked in the neighborhood garden, planting beautiful flowers in the shape of a heart with a rose bush in the center. The youth also planted vegetables and looking forward to the harvest later on in the summer.

Children and Youth of all ages were invited to plant in the garden. They are so excited for the plants and vegetable to grow and are looking forward to tending the garden. One of the children shared, "I love being a gardener because I love flowers."

Our dear neighbor youth, Ryann was presented with the funds raised on behalf of the Jr. Youth's first service project. The Jr. Youth are looking forward to assisting Ryann again with another Parent's Night Out! babysitting fundraiser in the works, coming soon!

The day was beautiful, warm and sunny, just perfect for playing volleyball, ladder toss and enjoying great company. We met several new neighbors and look forward to cultivating these new friendships. All in all, it was a wonderful gathering. One of our Jr. youth put it best, 'When can we do this again?' I second that. We will for sure be planning another opportunity for neighbors to unite and get to know each other. Thanks to all who made it a wonderful day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Neighborhood Community Building Activities May 6-May 9th

Flower's of One Garden Children's Classes 
Faith friendly spiritual education classes are held weekly in the
Kerr home. The children share their favorite prayer,
make a 'joyful noise' with wonderful music
and celebrate the beauty of God through art.
All are welcome!

Spaghetti Spiritual Neighborhood Dinner
Thursday evenings the Kerr's host a spaghetti dinner for all to enjoy. 
Casual evening of fun, good company and great food!
for more information contact 

Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group
Where 11-14 year olds are cultivating the 
'spiritual and intellectual excellence' through acts of service.
Friday 6:30 - 8:30
Rigden Farm Senior Center
Timberline Room
Sunday 2-4pm The Barn, Rigden Farm
Rigden Neighborhood Garden BBQ
Sunday May 9th
Please join us for an afternoon of good food, new friends and great fun!!!
We'll be planting a neighborhood garden, playing games
and celebrating the special women in our lives.
"In the garden of thy heart, 
plant naught but the rose of love..." 
Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Neighborhood Garden BBQ! Sunday, May 9th 4-6pm Barn, Rigden Farm

Dear Neighbors and Friends!
Please join us for an afternoon of great food, new friends and wonderful fun! We'll provide burgers, hot dogs and soda. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your favorite women in your life. There will be games, art projects for the children and an opportunity to plant and work in the neighborhood garden. All are invited! Friends, family and neighbors!

Hosted your neighborhood Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group and the Flower's of One Garden children's class.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group at Rigden host service Project! What an amazing evening!!!

The Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group at Rigden Farm is all about developing 'spiritual and intellectual excellence' through service to the community. These dynamic jr youth ages from 11-14 are meeting weekly, at the Rigden Senior Center, studying the 'art of service' and creating relationships with each other through study and recreation. This was their first service project. The Jr. Youth came up the the idea of hosting an evening of babysitting in hope of raising funds for a neighborhood youth, Ryann, who is facing challenges with cancer. Words cannot adequately describe how incredible this event was. The Jr. Youth raised over $130 and are looking forward to hosting another evening. There have already been residents within the neighborhood asking when the next Parent's Night Out will be scheduled. 

 Ryann is a beautiful, dynamic, and courageous Youth who has so lovingly given our Jr. Youth an incredible opportunity to learn from example the beautiful attributes of God. We whole heartedly thank Ryann and her family for allowing us to give her this gift.What a joy to be a part of this group. The Jr. Youth are looking forward to providing more service and will no doubt be exemplifying 'excellence' as they do it. 

Jr. Youth and the children played games, colored pages with virtues of 'service' and 'love', ate pizza, graham crackers and milk, watched a movie while some danced, did the hokey pokey and the limbo. What a great evening!