Monday, June 21, 2010

Rigden Neighborhood Community Building Activities June 21-June 27th

Monday, June 21
Children's Class 9:30
 Celebrating the beautiful of God's Religions through prayer, memorization, music and art. 
All are welcome! Hosted by Rigden Resident Jessica (970)581-5583
Call for directions.

"Ruhi Brew" 
Genoa Coffe, Kingsoopers Shopping Mall
Introduction to Community Building Activities
Enjoy delicious lunch at Genoa and for further sharing of community building activities. 
Capacity building course material will be on hand for investigation.
This is an informal opportunity to consult on ways to improve 
our community and how we can best be of service.
Tuesday, June 22
Capacity Building Study Circles 7pm
"Releasing the Powers of the Youth", book 5
This course assists individuals in the development of arrising to service jr. youth,
11-14 years in enhancing their intellectual and spiritual capacity.
Hosted by Rigden Resident Jessica (970)581-5583

Terrific Thursday! June 24
Rigden Neighborhood Barn
Children's Classes for all ages
Neighborhood Spaghetti Dinner Social

Friday, June 25
Jr Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group
6:30 - 8:30pm
Rigden Senior Center, Timberline Room
(Big yellow building in Rigden Neighborhood)
This dynamic group of 11-14 year olds are cultivating their 
spiritual and intellectual excellence through service to the community. 
Jr Youth, 11-14, are welcome to join us and transform our community for the better. 
Rigden Animator/mentor Jessica (970)581-5583

Sunday, June 27
Neighborhood Interfaith Devotions & Children's Class
Rigden Senior Center

Friday, June 18, 2010

Terrific Thursday! Neighborhood Social at the Barn

What a wonderful afternoon and evening. The children's class started with song and prayers which everyone loved. The children love singing 'Blessed is the spot...' and adding hand signs that go along with the words.

They memorized the quote, 

'Blessed is he who preffereth his brother before himself.' 

We then played a game called, 
'Children of the World'...everyone ran after a the giant world ball with the purpose of having to stay together and not lose anyone. It think it also tired everyone out with all the running. Afterward, we came back to the blanket and colored our art page. So much fun!

 The friends spend the afternoon playing and chasing kites... and of course the giant world ball. All enjoyed a wonderful dinner of spaghetti, bread and salad. We met some new neighbors and had a great time. All are looking forward the next Terrific Thursday!!!

Our special guest for the evening was Juli Redson-Smith who shared wonderful news of other communities who are building spiritual neighborhoods. Thanks to all for making the night so enjoyable and an open invitation to all the new friends and neighbors...see you next Thursday at 4pm for children's classes 5pm for dinner!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rigden Community Building Activities for the week of June 10th ~ June 17th

Greeting Neighbors! The following schedule is for community building activities for our incredible Rigden neighborhood. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or share ideas to assist in building unity within our neighborhood.

Thursday, June 10th
Activities are cancelled due to conflict of schedule for host family. Children's class and spaghetti dinner will continue next Thursday, June 17th. ( Please see June 17th at end of post)

Friday, June 11th 
Friday morning is open for visiting, saying prayers and/or study in capacity and
skill building study circles. Time and location can be flexible. Please contact Jessica at (970)581-5583

Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group
6:30 - 8:30pm Rigden Senior Center
Service group for 11-14 years that enhance spiritual and intellectual excellence.

Saturday, June 12th
Neighborhood Garage Sale

Sunday, June 13th
Introduction to Study of the Reflections of the Life of the Spirit
Genoa Coffee Shop Time to be determined
contact Jessica (970)581-5583

Monday, June 14th 
Capacity Building Study Circle, Reflections of the Life of the Spirit & 
Children's Spiritual Education Classes for all ages
Kerr Home call Jessica for directions (970)581-5583

Tuesday, June 15th 7:00pm
Capacity Building Study Circles, Reflections of the Life of the Spirit &
Releasing the Powers of Junior Youth
A course on assisting 11-14 years to cultivate their spiritual and intellectual 
excellence through service to the community at large. 
Kerr home

Thursday, June 17th
At neighborhood Barn
4pm Children's Class 
5pm Spaghetti Social

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jr. Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group at Rigden

The Jr. Youth group will be meeting Friday, June 4th at the Rigden Senior Center in Rigden Farm. We'll meet in the Timberline room from 6:30 to 8:30pm. All 11-14 years olds are welcome! Hope to see you there! Anyone interested in assisting with this group is welcome! Contact Jessica for more information, (970)581-5583

Flowers of One Garden children's class

What a wonderful afternoon! The children met at the Kerr home, shared a couple of prayers and talked about how the love of God shines upon humanity like the rays of the sun. And how our love should also be like the rays of the sun. We should love everyone. The children played a game called quote charades and memorized, 'O Friend! In the garden of thy heart plant naught but the rose of love...', which is also on the sign for the garden. Everyone then headed off to the neighborhood garden to put up the sign and color an art page.

 Children on their way to the garden and  class photo at the neighborhood garden. Jadan giving a gift to Bushra, his coloring page. What a wonderful afternoon!!! Our hope is that the neighborhood will enjoy the beautiful garden.