Monday, June 21
Children's Class 9:30
Celebrating the beautiful of God's Religions through prayer, memorization, music and art.
All are welcome! Hosted by Rigden Resident Jessica (970)581-5583
Call for directions.
"Ruhi Brew"
Genoa Coffe, Kingsoopers Shopping Mall
Introduction to Community Building Activities
Enjoy delicious lunch at Genoa and for further sharing of community building activities.
Capacity building course material will be on hand for investigation.
This is an informal opportunity to consult on ways to improve
our community and how we can best be of service.
Tuesday, June 22
Capacity Building Study Circles 7pm
"Releasing the Powers of the Youth", book 5
This course assists individuals in the development of arrising to service jr. youth,
11-14 years in enhancing their intellectual and spiritual capacity.
Hosted by Rigden Resident Jessica (970)581-5583
Terrific Thursday! June 24
Rigden Neighborhood Barn
Children's Classes for all ages
Neighborhood Spaghetti Dinner Social
Friday, June 25
Jr Youth Spiritual Empowerment Group
6:30 - 8:30pm
Rigden Senior Center, Timberline Room
(Big yellow building in Rigden Neighborhood)
This dynamic group of 11-14 year olds are cultivating their
spiritual and intellectual excellence through service to the community.
Jr Youth, 11-14, are welcome to join us and transform our community for the better.
Rigden Animator/mentor Jessica (970)581-5583
Sunday, June 27
Neighborhood Interfaith Devotions & Children's Class
Rigden Senior Center